Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Perrys and The Meyers

Paul and I met in Omaha Nebraska. Paul had gotten out of the Air Force and was on Associate Staff with the Navigators. He moved to Omaha from England with Duane and Ana Perry and their six kids. Paul lived with them for a time and got a priceless education in studying God's Word and raising kids who love the Lord. Their living witness convinced both Paul and I that we wanted to home school our kids. The Perrys are still ministering in Omaha at Offutt AFB and all over the Midwest. Most of their children are grown and serving the Lord all over the world, but we got to see Rebecca, Emily and Amy. Amy is on the right in the picture below with Abigail and Deborah. She was born while Paul was living with them in England.
Things haven't changed much for Duane and Anna, they are as busy as ever. I didn't get a good picture of them before they had to go help Rebecca house hunt for a place for she and her sister Rachel to live in while she is working on her master's in music. So, I dug very deep into the files and found this family photo of the Perry's, Paul and I and Abigail, and Paul's sister Debbie's boys Eric and Jared. They came to visit us on the farm in North Dakota. Abigail can't be more than a month old at the time of their visit and tomorrow she turns 15. Ana is holding Amy from the picture above in her arms.
Then I dug even deeper and I came up with some pictures from a wedding shower that our friends from Bible study threw for us. Duane and Ana put on a skit pretending to be Paul and I. We were going to move to North Dakota to farm after we got married so Duane dressed up like a farmer and Ana dressed up warm to represent me staying warm in the North Dakota wind. They pretended that they were newlyweds buying toothbrushes. Ana (Susan) said something to the effect of , "How about these toothbrushes Paul? They look very nice and they're the perfect color." Then Duane (Paul) said something like, "We can't tell just by looking at them. We've got to do some research first and see which toothbrush works the best." As I found the pictures to put on the blog, I told my kids about the skit and they rolled laughing. Deborah said, "That is so just like you guys." I guess we haven't changed much in 16 years.
Below Paul and I are watching the skit. Paul laughed till he cried, it was so funny and so right on.

Rachel Meyer was a part of our Bible study in Omaha (she was at the wedding shower) and a very good friend. Her parents live in Watertown, South Dakota which is right on the road between Omaha and Paul's Mom's in North Dakota. Rachel teaches college biology and was living with her parents for the summer, so we spent the night with them and got all caught up.
We helped Rachel's Dad put their paddle boat in the water for the summer.They live on a lake with their own little island tucked into a cove. The kids had great fun paddling around.Rachel with her Mom and Dad, Betty and Bob Meyer.
I got Betty's permission to take her picture with rollers in her hair. She said that when you get to be her age you don't care about those things.
I thought the bridge might make a cool family picture.

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