Sunday, October 25, 2009

Family Photo Scavenger Hunt

Twice a year we go to Tanalian Bible Camp at Port Alsworth for Family Camp. It is always a great time of fellowship with believers from villages all over the area. Just before the fall camp, Arctic Barnabas hosts a Ministry Family Retreat where they bring families together who are working in cultures different than their own for the purpose of leading people to Christ. Our kids look forward to having fun with friends they've met over the years and making new friends. This year they organized a family photo scavenger hunt. They gave us a list of things to take pictures of and if we had the entire family in the picture we got 200 bonus points. We had a blast running around taking pictures of ourselves.
In the back of a pickup with a sign saying Nondalton or Bust...

In a canoe, 400 bonus points if no one gets wet... (We should have gotten "large family" bonus points for this one.)

Heads together in a circle...

Family Photo

Picture with an "A" in it...

With a pig...

Looking up at the sky...
An aircraft made out of family members... (having a large family really helped on this one)

Family name written with rocks...

Turning cartwheels... (Anna can actually do one.)

Posing as trees...

An old vehicle...

Mom and Dad kissing...

Wearing clothes inside out...

Clothes with no one in them...

Directive sign...

A contradiction... (It took us a while to think of what to do for this one.)

Something more than 200 years old... (We found the oldest looking tree around.)

Shoes lined up on the dock...

Another photo with an "A" in it...

Posing as Mannequins...
(I told Caleb that mannequins look like people only they're not alive. I don't think I gave him a good picture of how to look like one...)


Eyes close up...

Pocket contents...
(We were running out of time here... They gave us an hour time limit and there were a lot of other activities going on. So, when we could get the whole family together for an hour we went and took as many pictures as we could.)

Levi, our photographer.
Did you notice anyone missing in any of the pictures?
We didn't either until we met up with one of our kids who was looking for us. He had turned left when we went right and was playing on the swing set when he realized that none of us were there with him and we were supposed to be together taking pictures...

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