Thursday, June 11, 2009

Meeting the Travises

God has a cool way of connecting believers... We have gotten to know a family in Israel through a magazine article that just struck a note in our Spirits.  Through them we got to know another family living in Israel, and they just happened to be visiting their family in the States while we were traveling from North Dakota to North Carolina.  Mike and Mary Travis are from the Eau Claire area which we passed right by on the way to North Carolina.  We met them and their two daughters at McDonalds.  We sat talking while the kids played in the play place and then we went to Mary's parents house and continued talking.  I think we could've talked for days but Mike was leaving with his sons Jonathan and Ben on a canoeing trip the next morning.  We pulled ourselves away so Mike could finish varnishing his canoe paddle.

The kids had fun playing.
Mickie and Carmen Travis took the kids to a park nearby Mary's mom's house so they could play some more.


AshestoBeauty said...

Hi Susan....our family so enjoyed fellowshipping with you, Paul and your blessings. It was like we just picked up where we left off all those many years ago. The Lord is so faithful!
safe traveling to all of you tomorrow....we are praying patience over Dr. H as he buzzes (creeps) down 74.

Jay -- Arlington Virginia Condos said...

I love your new family picture. May I use it in my new website the quiverfull family directory. I need a few pictures. I'm only on #5 right now so I prefer a couple pics of larger families.

Let me know asap. thanks and blessings!
