Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Three turkey's and 27 people!  
I threw in my 22 pounder because I wasn't sure if two turkeys a friend offered to bring were going to show up. The turkeys showed up although their owners never did.  We had plenty of leftover turkey which is always nice.  
In addition to thanking God for the way He provides for us continually, we had a special time of prayer.  70 years ago, in November 1938, the people of Alaska were offered the opportunity to provide safety and shelter to God's chosen people.  As Jews were being driven from their homelands in Europe, they were looking for safe havens.  Because Alaska was not yet a state, it was hoped that immigration quotas could be bypassed and so it was proposed that Jews be brought from Europe to Alaska.  According to newspaper articles interviewing Alaska residents, they didn't think the European Jews would be well suited to Alaska.  And so, after many months of deliberation and mostly due to Roosevelt's lack of support, the idea was rejected in August of 1939.  Hitler attacked Poland September 1st, 1939 sealing the fate of millions of Jews.  So, on this Thanksgiving, 70 years later, we prayed that God would forgive Alaska for not receiving His people 70 years ago and that if the need arose again that He would allow us the opportunity to help His people.

Deborah, David and Benjamin made cookies a few days before Thanksgiving.

Quentin has become our expert fried bread maker.  Fried bread is a favorite here in Nondalton along with Nevagee, which is Crisco, milk and sugar whipped up and mixed in with blue or black berries.  It is usually eaten frozen and is a good substitute for ice cream.

Lavonne and her Cheda Mary.
Cheda means grandmother in Denaina, the native language here in Nondalton.  It is pronounced "Cheeda".

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