Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Our next door neighbor Skye won a "Kung Fu Panda" DVD as a door prize and brought it over so we could watch it with her.  Although I don't recommend the movie unless you spend some discussing with your kids the difference between Eastern religions and what Christ did for us on the cross, the Special Features at the end are great.  One is of a noodle chef making noodles, incredible.  In the other a girl shows how to use chopsticks.   So, the kids found some skewer sticks to use as chopsticks.

Benjamin and David quickly figured out how to make it work.

I've been reading "Farmer Boy", by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the kids.  Every time I read it we get hungry and I feel like cooking all the delicious dishes she describes.  On the night the kids pulled out the skewers for chopsticks, Almanzo's Mom had just made chicken pot pie and I got a craving for it, so I made up a big pan of my own version.  It turned out pretty good...

Paul spent a year in Korea so he is pretty good at it and was able to give us pointers.

1 comment:

Chrysa said...

I've tried chopsticks...lost a whole bunch of weight in a day and figured that wasn't good for me. I like how David does it...hold down that food with the stick and use the fork:-) Cold...windchill -40 they say. Love, Chrysa<><