Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mom and Dad's Anniversary

On mom and dad's anniversary we spent most of the day at the Old City with the rest of our group.

Funny story:)  Deborah, Anna, Olivia, Havah, and I started out with about 30 shekels.   We bought pastry's, iced coffee, and chocolate milk.  When we were done we had 2 shekels left and we were going around to all the stores asking what we could by for 2 shekels.  They all said nothing so we decided to sell the boys some of our pastry to get more money.  They gave us 11 shekels so we went and bought a piece of pizza.  After we ate the pizza, we found five more shekels in Anna's pocket. We thought that worked good last time so we went and bought some more chocolate milk and tried selling it to the boys but they must not like chocolate milk as much as pastry's:) but then Shanea took pity on us and just gave us 20 shekels.  So we thought we should see how much money we could make so we started singing on the street corner.  We didn't make a lot of money but a lot of people took pictures of us:)  We bought ice cream with the rest of our money.  I think we did pretty good, we doubled our money:)

Sarah got our chocolate milk that nobody wanted.  She looks like she likes it.
Mom and Dad got fancy ice cream since it was their anniversary:)
When we got back to the B&B we all stayed there while they went out for supper at the mall.   


We spent a day touring Akko with the Kaspi's.
We climbed around on the walls.

The Kaspi's kids and Sarah.

The little boys loved the shark.

Sarah's dream boat:) her favorite color is pink.
Family picture.

Sunsets on the Med are beautiful.

We went Anat's mom and dad's house afterwards.  There were snails everywhere.  The rest of the kids had a whole bowl of them. 

Touring Jerusalem

We've spent a lot of time in Jerusalem but we spent one day touring all the "tourist" sites:)
We walked the ramparts.
I don't do a very good "help I'm locked in jail" face.

David next to King David.
The Mt. of Olives is covered in graves because everyone wants a front row seat for when Yeshua comes back.
Mt. of Olives from a distance.
The Garden Tomb
Sarah is a very popular little girl.  When we're walking around everyone wants to come up and talk to her. 

Moving to Abu Gosh

At the beginning of the month the Warren's and the Hayes' left to go back home.
We spent our last day with the Warrens at the shuk eating fish and chips with them and the Schaefers.

We helped take them to the airport and said good bye.  The William's drove down to say bye to them too.
Since we were sharing a apt with them when they left we moved to a B&B in Abu Gosh.  We help out there some doing odd jobs.
The boys sanded and varnished the deck,
and white washed the wall,
and put together some benches.
The girls got to put together a chandelier.
How many kids does it take to equal out dads weight:)

Hanging Out

Worship in the vineyard.
The boys chillin'
The little boys and Sarah always find someone to hang out with and talk their ear off.
The girls playing four square.
The boys playing five hundred.
I think CB was a little tired.
Kickball can hurt if you play with guys who kick into the thorns.
The boys playing Josh's new song I Believe.
Devin and Leah made up a funny rap song about working in the vineyard.

Sandy People

During our last week with the Warren's and Hayes's we went to the beach so Barrett and Devin (newly betrothed) could take pictures. While they took pictures we played in the sand.

Even Sarah had to get buried.

How many people can stand on someone covered in sand before they feel it?