Monday, November 9, 2009

Chimney Sweeps

After a couple of chimney fires last year (very scary, especially since Paul was never home), we decided we should clean out the chimney before we started building fires to stay warm this year.
Everyone wanted to climb on the roof to help.
Quentin & Paul are running the brush through the chimney.

Quentin cleaning the cap.

Clean chimney.

Getting back on the ladder to go down was scarier than coming up.

1 comment:

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In 1803, it was thought by some that a mechanical brush could replace a climbing boy (the Human brush), and members of the 1796 society formed The London Society for the Superseding the Necessity for Employing Climbing Boys. They ascertained that children had now cleaned flues as small as 7in by 7in, and promoted a competition for a mechanical brush. The prize was claimed by George Smart, for what in effect, was a brush head on a long segmented cane, made rigid by an adjustable cord that passed though the canes.
Chimney Tuckpointing & Chimney Rebuilds: We will grind and re-mortar any deteriorating joints and rebuild any aged or destroyed parts of a chimney to have it looking and functioning like new again.

chimney sweep Swampscott MA