Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week 2 in Israel and at Home

The grape harvest has pretty much ended, so Paul and Abigail have been staying busy doing maintenance in the vineyards.
Below Paul is straightening and tightening wires.

Below a couple of the ladies are pulling weeds.

The ladies are preparing the Shabbat meal.
Most of the ladies got to go shopping one afternoon. One of the guys gave 12 of them a ride in his seven passenger van. They couldn't fit the fruit they bought in the van so they strapped it on top.

The guys doing a little dancing.
They've gotten to do a little sightseeing after work. Below they went and visited Shilo (the sight of the Tabernacle before the Temple was built.) They had fun jumping (or getting thrown) into a pool fed by a spring.
When Paul and Abigail arrived there was some kind of stomach bug going around and Paul caught it. He was sick for a couple of days but is feeling better now. Thankfully, Abigail has only had a touch of it.
Here at home we are doing great. The kids are missing Dad (and Abigail), but they are all pitching in and helping me out with Abigail's chores. Quentin and Joshua are handling all of Paul's "man chores". They've had it pretty easy so far because we've had a warm fall and haven't had to keep the fire going.

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